Work in the 21st Century

Work in the 21st Century

How Do I Log On?

Ross, Dr Peter K.; Parry, Emma; Ressia, Dr Susan; Sander, Asst. Professor Elizabeth J.

Emerald Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

Descrição não disponível.
1. Spatial design, worker productivity and well-being

2. "Work as a thing you do, not a place you go" - technological versus geographical proximity

3. Coworking - because working alone sucks!

4. Born global? SME entrepreneurship in a cloud context

5. Overcoming labour market disenfranchisement: entrepreneurship, women and migrant workers

6. Global virtual labour markets: The 'human cloud' and offshore employee leasing

7. Data driven management, artificial intelligence and automation
Assunto não disponível.
HR; Organizational behaviour; Organizational structure; Work